Sunday, December 13, 2009

Welcome To The Slushpile!

Greetings, salutations, and overall, a welcome to my slushpile.

Herein you'll find the sloughed-off compositions of my design career--pieces that, for better or worse, didn't make it to the public in the form of DVD menus, packages, web pages, or whatever. And by "better or worse", I mean it--some of these I still think were worthwhile, while others were obvious products of immaturity, not getting the concept, or out-and-out self-delusion. I'll try to give some background on each example, as well as a guess as to why it didn't fly. It's up to you, of course, to decide whether I'm right or wrong.

The examples come from a range of design houses I worked for, with on average 3-5 artists submitting anywhere from 3 to 8 (!) looks for each title. In some cases, you'll see storyboards for the motion leading up to the main menu, if that project was budgeted for it.

So hey...learn from my mistakes, if you can. Or at the very least, find a bit of amusement. This is my Ozymandias. Look upon it, and despair. Or admire. Or laugh.

[Image created using Wikimedia Commons photo by S. Müller.]

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